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Highlighting relationships, history and facts impacting agriculture in the African-American community. Emphasizing and recognizing black leaders within Agri-business and providing networking and workshop opportunities to create strategies that will further develop black excellence within this industry.

Register and participate virtually or in-person at no-cost:

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The San Joaquin Valley is often referred to as the “Food Basket of the World”. It is comprised of eight counties ranging from the north to the south that include San Joaquin, Kings, Stanislaus, Merced, Fresno, Madera, and Tulare. With its fertile soil and the vast array of crops grown throughout the San Joaquin Valley there are a myriad of challenges, which are shared by African American (Black) farmers throughout the various counties.

A panel of Agriculture and Agri-Business professionals will address the following:


•    The status of our San Joaquin Valley Black Farmers.
•    The marketplace potential for inclusion and expansion through use of collective planning and co-ordination.

Also, information will be provided on the following initial program and project areas :


   1) The creation of a broad-based consumer co-op dedicated to discounted wholesale/retail merchandising and consumer protection.


   2) The formation of a centralized farmers market specializing in the purchasing and marketing of Black Farmer Products and services.


   3) Direct engagement and participation in the development of a Private Post-Secondary Vocational Institute certified and accredited to provide both entry level and higher levels of certified and degree issued competency proficiency.

Join the discussion at the upcoming SJV Black Expo and let’s work together to promote black farmers throughout the San Joaquin Valley and the healthy food options they provide for the community.

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